Plans above are sorted in descending order by number of patients covered. This coverage tool provides medical and pharmacy benefit coverage of VYEPTI in the selected geography. It is for informational purposes only. Other options for prescription access may be available for your patients. Call VYEPTI CONNECT® at 833-4-VYEPTI to learn more.
Results provided for informational purposes and do not guarantee coverage or payment. Benefits are determined by each plan’s administrator. Providers should consult with payers for all requirements and are responsible for the accuracy of all claims. Nothing herein may be construed as an endorsement by any plan or insurer. This resource is not a substitute for provider’s independent judgment. Lundbeck makes no claims or guarantees about the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions. Formulary status may change without notice. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. EPT-B-101479v2